Part 3: No Bones About Battlefields
3. No Bones About BattlefieldsWhen we last left him, Ben was having 9000GP worth of problems. His mind raced to find a solution to his financial situation but only one thing came to mind.

Your allowance is 0 GP. Your village is gone, remember? I dont wanna be a buzzkill or anything but everyone you knew is probably dead

You're goddamn right.
Through the threads guidance, from Benjamins ashes rises Shrug.

Yeah, thats great, I guess.

Oh god, dude, are you sure we shouldnt be getting that Elixir for you?

As you can probably tell, Tristam is a ninja to the core. Like Kaeli before him, hes better than Shrug in nearly every wayonly now it actually matters because he wont be leaving us in the span of five minutes.
Hes resistant to death and fire, which is useless because were not going to see either of those even remotely soon. Way to go, Tristam! And at this point, youve probably noticed that each time Shrug levels up, he gets another 40 health. So Tristam is basically just cheating to have the health we would at level 9. Figures.
Funnily enough, his Japanese name, ロック, is the same as that of Locke from Final Fantasy VI. Guess this is just really unfortunate coincidence among
His weapon, as you can see in the corner, is a bunch of ninja stars. In case the whole ninja thing wasnt clear enough to you yet. You might also see a number beneath them, which signifies that the weapon is limited by ammunition. He starts off with 99 but well be going through them at a fairly brisk clip. Theyre easily replenished though so its not worth worrying about.
His ninja stars have the added benefit of being able to poison or paralyze enemies every now and then. Tristam is too strong to actually benefit from this though since nearly every enemy we see in this update will die in one hit from them.
As if that wasnt enough, he also comes with Life and seven charges of it. Tristam is pretty competent.
No, I dont know why hes purple, either.

In any case, lets actually take the jerks advice and check out these battlefields. Im not a big fan of these because its a lot of busy work for the occasional reward.

We have a new enemy! Shrug and Tristam are too strong so these monsters die in one hit. Theyre weak to axes because they are trees. Yawn.

Poison toads are marginally more interesting because they bear the dubious honor of being our first enemy to inflict status effects. I have a feeling you can guess what they do.

After slogging through 10 rounds, you get a reward, which ranges from meager to awesome. The rewards can be paltry amounts of experience or gold, or better equipment.
This battlefield gave us, like, a fourth the experience we were getting from encounters in the Level Forest.
Theres another battlefield west of the Sand Temple thats not totally worthless so obviously were going to do that too.

Yet another new enemy. Basilisks arent particularly threatening. Their fang attack can hurt but thats not as serious as it sounds.

After clearing out the battlefield, we earn this charm, which gives Shrug a single point of defense. I always thought it looked like a cute little heart.
Shrug is poisoned and that does what you might expect. After each round, youll lose a set amount of HP based on your level.
Artix posted:
First, poison is even more inconsequential as cardinal direction makes it seem, because it only deals [Level * 2] damage each turn.
For reference, Cure Potions fix you up for almost more than twice as much. Poison is not at all a big deal.
Shrug is going to go to the Bone Dungeon anyway because he doesnt give a fuck. He also doesnt have any Heal Potions but thats besides the point.

So does the Bone Dungeon serve any purpose? Do people from Foresta just... put bad bones here or something?
If you look closely, the floor at the top of the screen might seem a bit off. Thats because its moving forward. There are several floors like this in Bone Dungeon but theyre all optional. We can take that path up but its one-way so we might as well take the sides and deal with the monsters sooner rather than later.

Another new enemy appears in the line up of monsters on the sides. The Sandworm does have some hard-hitting attacks and can lower your speed with quicksand, both of which can hurt for around 40 HP. Theyre weak to axe attacks, though, so unless you miss theyll be going down in one hit.

The worm was guarding a boring brown box and has forced me to correct myself. These boxes contain mostly consumables, either of the ammo or healing variety. My bad!

Kinda curious as to what left this big skeleton behind. The chest behind us was Cure Potions.

Passing through the bone tunnel leads us to this river? With turtle shells to use as stepping stones?
Shrug climbs down the stairs to the right and goes for a swim to the west.

Oh man, are you going to phase through it or whatever it is anime ninjas do?

This seems like a bad idea!

Shrugs a dweeb but hes smarter than to carry explosives around with him.

Oh, well, 50% off sounds pretty good.

Declining Tristams offer nets you this deal. He wont go any lower though, sorry!

Nice. Bone Dungeon is where a whole lot of your choices open up. Since this is Mystic Quest, thats not saying too much but its still nice. We head back the other way because Shrugs treasure sense is tingling.

And he was right! Shrugs first shield adds another 5 points of defense to his total but isnt special beyond that. Now lets go through that wall we blew up.

Wow, this looks terrible.

Another new enemy, Rocs are super frail. Theyre weak to shooting weapons, which Tristams ninja stars qualify as.
They also only have, like, 90 HP at the most so it doesnt matter.

Here's a Roc being blown up. Bombs are twice as strong as our sword but have the disadvantage of always targeting every enemy. Its a pretty negligible downside, though, if you ask me. As far as I can tell, bombs arent affected by accuracy so you might as well just use them whenever. But

Tristam, turn around. I promise, youre not actually blind.
Rocs can also blind you. If only you hadnt parted with your bombs, sucker!
Like poison, blind needs little introduction. Your accuracy plummets and persists after battle, also like poison.
Artix posted:
At full strength, the bombs are capable of outdamaging even Tristam's ninja stars, but by attacking three enemies at once, we would be better off using the Steel Sword to attack.
It wouldn't be a proper update from me without forgetting something important. Yes, since bombs default to attacking all enemies the damage is split pretty dramatically. On a single enemy, they're great but I don't really mind the damage split myself here because the enemies are weak enough as is. But then it's the difference between assuredly killing an enemy and weakening the rest so I guess it's more of a toss-up than I originally thought!
Artix posted:
Specifically, the damage formula for basic attacks is something along the lines of:
((Atk * 4) - Def) * weakness / number of targets
Bombs are an exception to this but we'll talk more about that when bombs aren't the strongest thing in our arsenal.

Skeletons are actually pretty annoying. They are capable of confusing you and that really sucks to deal with. Other than being annoying though, they can deal decent damage with their headbutts but they arent special otherwise. Being undead, they are weak to Cure.
But not Life. Dont ask.
Theres not much else of note in the room other than some ninja stars if youre in need of those.

Heading down a floor, Shrug finds another skeleton tube. Now, how to get past this?

Works for me.

Theres a secret room in here with some ninja stars in case youre running low.

Yep, were already seeing palette swaps. The darker shade of Behemoth over there is a Gorgon and they are a pain in the ass. They can paralyze you if youre unlucky and that really bites because at that point youre at the whim of the game for it to wear off before you get beaten down. They can also poison both party members and deal 70 some damage so theyre definitely tough.
And status effects can stack so if youre paralyzed and poisoned then youre pretty much fucked.
Tristam can one-shot them though so theyre definitely more glass cannons than anything.

Shrug blows up another skeleton and finds an old friend.

Minotaur Zombie is the first enemy in the dungeon that wont actually be killed in one hit from Tristam. He can confuse you and hits considerably hard. On the other hand, hes susceptible to poison and paralysis which Tristam can inflict.
Hes also very weak to zombie attacks like Cure. ...sure. One Cure will do him in but then you sacrifice a powerful heal for yourself.
Artix posted:
Magic works on a very similar formula, which looks something like this:
((Pow * 4) + (Mag * 3) - def) * weakness / number of targets
So since the Minotaur zombie is weak to Cure, that x2 multiplier is actually pretty devastating.

Through the tunnel are some actually really good consumables. Seeds replenish all of your magic points. They are also incredibly limited until later in the game and this is your only source of them. If youre really struggling during a boss, this is basically the done with your shit item.

This fight almost went south real fast. A confused Tristam basically just fataled Shrug in one hit.
I know Ive said that Mystic Quest is easyand it is, dont get me wrongbut shit can happen. You could even die to the tutorial boss if luck isnt in your favor.

Across the way, we find Shrugs first Black magic which would be cool if Quake didnt sort of suck past this dungeon. It deals earth damage to all enemies and is reasonably powerful at the moment. Artix, who has singlehandedly saved this thread from being utter garbage, points out that Quake has a power of 125 (which is what would be multiplied by 4 in the magic damage equation). But similarly to bombs, Quake defaults to attacking all enemies so it suffers pretty heavily at the hands of damage splitting.
Pick up your monitor, shake it, and youve seen what Quake looks like.

Maybe we can barter and trade Tristam for the treasure.

All right, Ive gotta admit, I loved looking through the manual when I was younger and this was pretty badass as a kid.

Flamerus Rex is where Mystic Quest takes off the kids gloves. Thats like saying the game stopped blowing bubbles at you and decided to have a pillow fight but whatever.
First things first, hes undead so you can Cure him for some pretty significant damage but then you risk losing your healing. Life wont do anythingunless youre playing the PAL version, in which case it works perfectly well. Quake is also a good option.

Bone Missile is his special attack and he only used it this once this entire fight. It hits one party member for 80 damage, which is nothing to sneeze at.

Heres the boss in his various states of health. Poison Flour, predictably, poisons someone and Rex can put someone to sleep as well. At this point of the fight, hell start throwing out Rip Earth (which is basically Quake) fairly frequently and deal 80 damage to both party members.
If one of them is down, then the surviving party member is going to eat about 160 damage and thats not a position you want to be in. This is another instance of damage no longer being split.
If youre lucky, hell use Twin Fang and only get one hit, which will deal a laughable 30 some damage.

I got careless and lost because I threw all of my Cures at it, but now Mystic Quest demonstrates one of its quality of life features. If your luck ran against you, dont sweat it! Just retry the fight from the beginning with absolutely no penalty other than losing your time. No backtracking from the world map or some other bullshit, just give it another go.
I like this a lot. Im a bit torn as to whether or not there should be a penalty though. The game isnt structured in a way where you could realistically do that but maybe money loss would work? Or is the penalty that you have to keep trying and find a new strategy? If you choose to give up, it kicks you back to the load screen. Im not sure how else it could work here, but I think cutting out the fluff is a good idea all the same especially in a genre like JRPG thats notorious for padding.

Shrug doesnt give up so we defeat the boss handily and blow it up. Maybe theres more to the Mega Man comparison than I thought.

Tristam doesnt care about this whole save-the-world thing so he rushes over to the treasure chests

Surprised Tristam doesnt actually try to find out how much the crystals worth

Thanks for jeopardizing a girls life for your personal benefit, Tristam!

Dont forget to pick this up like I did as an idiot child

Youre kind of a dick, dude.

Next time: Shrug fulfills his promise and climbs a tower